Hi fam! We’re Jeff and Myra, aka NakedAroids!
Our journey started when Myra’s first (and last) betta fish, Calphalon (yes, named after the cookware, don’t judge), went to the clearing at the end of the path. In an effort to imbue life where it had fled, Myra took Cal’s aquarium, threw in some substrate, and filled it with common terrarium houseplants.
Much to our amazement, despite having no clue what we were doing, things began to grow. It was the act of observing and tracking that growth together that was the turning point for us. What began as a project to process death turned into a celebration of life. Well into our thirties and we were experiencing true, childlike fascination and wonder with fresh eyes. The rest, as they say, is history. We couldn’t get enough. Like many anthurium collectors, we amassed quite a large selection of genera before finding our niche. Monsteras, philos, platys, begonias, cycads: you name it, Jeff probably had to have it.
When we were finally introduced to the near-black, velvety bullate sexiness of even the most basic anthurium papillilaminum, however, everything else seemed to pale in comparison. Since then, it has been an all-consuming quest to dive into this world: from our first Ecuagenera popup, to discovering Anthurium Addicts, to implementing our first multi-step fertilizer regimen, to building an IKEA grow cabinet, to our first triple-digit plant purchase (haha cute 😬), to finishing a Botany course at NYBG, to upgrading to an automated 4x5x9 greenhouse in a 1000 sq ft apartment in the middle of Harlem: all over the course of a year. Why do something half-assed when you can do it full-assed, right?
What began as curiosity has transformed into a complete shift in our world-view. Patience and intention are not means to an end. The act of caring for something is a transformative and selfless process with great power. We’re so grateful to have found this calling together and so excited to see where this journey will take us. Come along for the ride!
Our Mission
We strive to create and cultivate the darkest and sexiest velvet-leaf anthuriums, always prioritizing plant heath and vigor over potential profit. In an ever-expanding and oversaturated market, transparency and integrity is essential for fostering the trust and confidence we place in each other as collectors. The name Naked Aroids is our promise to uphold these ideals above all else: open, honest and free from artifice or spin. We all deserve that respect and we promise to do our part to pay it forward.
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